
Thoughts & Stories from AIH
How to Stay Healthy through the Seasons

How to Stay Healthy through the Seasons

Cradled in climate-controlled buildings and cars, it can be easy to forget about weather. Many people feel a big gulf between our day-to-day life and what we call “Nature” or “wilderness”, especially those of us who live in sprawling cities. Humans evolved of millions...

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Why I Practice Acupuncture: Henry Claflin

Why I Practice Acupuncture: Henry Claflin

Acupuncture is not a typical career choice. High school seniors don’t usually go to job fairs and hang out at the Chinese medicine table (although I did recently attend a high school job fair and it was amazing). Because acupuncture is still a little out-of-the-ordinary, we are often asked:

“How did you get into acupuncture?”

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