Henry Claflin, R.Ac

AIH Director, Registered Acupuncturist, EAM Medicine Practitioner, Taijiquan Instructor

Henry is a registered acupuncturist, teacher, and martial artist. He takes a patient-centred and trauma-informed approach, with treatments that are gentle, dynamic, and effective for both adults and children. He maintains an acupuncture practice at Kinesis Health Associates in downtown Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

Henry graduated with a Diploma in Acupuncture & East Asian Medicine from the Institute of Traditional Medicine. Henry interned at the Toronto People With Aids Foundation, and with leading acupuncturists in integrative cancer care and reproductive health in Toronto. After graduating, he travelled to China to teach English and study acupuncture, qigong and martial arts. Henry was fortunate to study with world-renowned acupuncturist Dr. Wang Ju-yi, his senior apprentice Jonathan Chang, and one of his students Dr. Yu Kan. These teachers showed Henry an exceptional approach to acupuncture using subtle, detailed palpation to refine diagnosis and improve treatment results.

Henry returned to Canada and practised in multidisciplinary clinics across the Greater Toronto Area. He began teaching acupuncture and herbal medicine in both classroom and clinical settings. While building his practice, he started as an administrator at the Institute of Traditional Medicine, and eventually became Program Director of East Asian Medicine. Henry also served as a clinical supervisor at Humber College and has lectured for professional development offerings in East Asian medicine, at international medical conferences, and for certificate programs in Qigong and Western Herbalism. His clinical practice has grown alongside teaching and administrative work. Each one helped develop the others to weave a strong basket that carries the medicine.

After coming back from China, Henry began learning to read classical Chinese and began a study of the foundational text of East Asian medicine, the 2000-year-old “Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic” 黃帝內經 Huángdì Nèijīng. Henry tries to honour the roots of this medical tradition by reading its texts in their own words, attempting, as much as might be possible, to see the world as they did. This study has transformed his practice and teaching, and brings him a great deal of joy on quiet mornings.

Henry’s professional continuing education has focused on Qigong practices, classical Chinese language, Japanese acupuncture methods, and clinical skills to apply traditional teachings to contemporary health care practice.

Acupuncture College Acupuncture School Diploma Career Training Health Wellness Professional Education Meditation Tai Chi Classes Health Clinic Halifax Sackville Nova Scotia Canada Autumn Institute of Health

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